Commercial Painting
Expert commercial painting for businesses seeking better aesthetics

We get that your business can’t stop running for renovations. That’s why we combine excellence with efficiency, delivering results that wow without disrupting your daily operations.

Quality that shows
Do away with paint jobs that tarnish your business’s image and need frequent touch-ups.
Built to last
Peeling, fading, and frequent touch-ups are out of the question with our high-grade materials.
Efficiency matters
We’re efficient but quick because we know business downtime equals lost revenue and unhappy customers.
Peace of mind
Our teams follow strict safety guidelines and use professional equipment to minimize health hazards to workers and customers.
Rejuvenate your business with commercial painting

Renovva is where beauty meets functionality for commercial spaces that inspire employees and entice customers. Elevate your professional space with top-notch commercial painting services.

Enduring excellence
Commercial grade coatings to combat traffic fumes and tropical climates. Our solutions protect your investments while maintaining a professional appearance.
Custom solutions
Every business has unique needs, from brand colors to operational constraints. We tailor our approach to match your specific requirements and timeline. 
Make every space count
Our commercial painting elevates your business environment to create lasting impressions that bring customers back.
Durability You Can Trust
Our commercial-grade paints and expert application methods ensure your space stays fresh through years of business operations.
Solutions tailored to you
We work with you to create painting solutions that match your brand, budget, and business hours perfectly.
Your dream business space
is one call away
Ready to take your business to new aesthetic heights? Book a free consultation and quote today!
Find answers to common questions about our renovation services
and how we can assist you.

Commercial painting involves specialized coating solutions for businesses, from retail spaces to industrial facilities.

Project timelines vary based on scope and space size, typically ranging from 3-7 days for standard commercial spaces.

We use premium commercial-grade paint that meets strict durability and safety standards for business environments. Each paint type is specifically chosen based on the surface, exposure, and usage the requirements of your space.

Your main responsibility is ensuring access to the areas being painted and removing valuable items. Our team handles all other preparations, including surface cleaning, repairs, and protecting fixed equipment.

We provide a comprehensive warranty covering workmanship and materials for up to X years after completion. It includes protection against peeling, bubbling, and premature fading under normal commercial use.